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Health & Wellness

Connecting with Respect

The purpose for “Connecting with Respect” is to have Two high school boys with arms over each other's shouldersone centralized location for parents of Kelseyville Unified School District students to have an easy place to gather more information related to cyberbullying, bullying, social media, and digital technology. The links provided will give parents resources and current information on how to deal with many issues facing today’s youth. Each link has a description of the services and information that can be found at the site. Included are both local resources and national links.


Connect Safely

This website has information dealing with screen time, tips for dealing with sexting, how to create a strong and secure password, and smart cell phone safety. There is also information on GPS location sharing so they know where their child is located and ways to keep other people from following your child. There are tips to help stop cyberbullying, digital privacy, safe use of Snapchat, general tips about video gaming, and virtual world advice. This site has videos for both parents as well as children that explain everything from texting while driving, to what is appropriate to post on social media about yourself. There are links to Safe Kids and Safe Teens websites.

Commonsense Media

This site addresses ways for children to learn using today’s technology, questions and answers related to sex, gender, and body image. Each tab includes the most popular questions others have asked and has a place to pose your own questions for the experts. Cyberbullying tips and advice are readily available as well as videos and presentations. There is information about Facebook, Instagram, and privacy/ internet safety. There is information about proper screen time for children of different age groups, from preschool to high school. New movies and DVD’s are also rated for content. There are lots of frequently asked questions, articles, and videos for parents and children. The educational apps and game reviews are very helpful as well. This site also deals with questions and advice related to mainstream apps for children with special needs.


This site has apps for parents like BEaPROTM for Facebook and recognizing and protecting children from spam and scams. Their vision statement is: To see generations of the world’s children grow up safely using technology and the internet. Guidelines are provided for parents to prevent and detect gang recruitment, suicide and self-harm, depression, and sexual violence. There are information tabs that explain federal guidelines on privacy and reputation online.


These sites have information both for parents and students that are dealing with bullying and hate at school. The sites also include legal help lines and more resources for information and support. Safe Space kits are available by request.

Local Links

Two elementary school girls hugging

Lake Family Resource Center

This site has local resources for domestic violence, rape crisis, behavior health services, workshops, and classes, as well as suicide prevention and teen pregnancy prevention. There are many more resources that meet family needs in Lake County.


This local site has job readiness workshops and classes, resume help, cover letter writing and job seeking resources. Parents that need help preparing and getting employed will find many services available.

Lake County Services

This site has many local government agencies such as probation, tough teeth, behavioral health clinics, prenatal & child, Immunization assistance program, social service, and children’s services.

Additional Resource Links

Upcoming Events

March 31

Early Dismissal Day

All Day Event

April 7

Early Dismissal Day

All Day Event

April 14

Early Dismissal Day

All Day Event

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