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Student Support Services

Independent Study

Short Term Independent study is available for students who will experience a short extended absence from classes for a period of anywhere between 1-3 weeks. Each school manages students completing independent study on a site by site basis, with the District Student Services Office providing guidance and overview in making sure Board Policy is correctly administered at each site. If your family/student is interested in applying to their school for an independent study contract, please contact the office manager at that school for specific school policies and details.


Approval of independent study candidates will be based on the following criteria: Approval of independent study candidates will be based on the following criteria:

  1. Evidence that the student can work independently.

  2. Evidence that the student will work to complete the program.

  3. Availability of certificated classroom teacher with adequate time to supervise the student effectively.

  4. An acceptable reason for requesting independent study.

  5. No individual with exceptional needs, as defined in Education Code 56026 may be enrolled in an independent study program unless his/her individualized program specifically provides for such enrollment.

  6. The independent study teacher will notify the school and the students' parents/guardian of the approval or non-approval into the program.

  7. If the student is approved for independent study, the independent study teacher will set an appointment for parent and student to attend the first independent study meeting.

  8. The student must bring to the first meeting a checkout slip form if he/she is leaving a district school.

  9. Permanent records for students enrolled in independent study will be maintained by the independent study office.

  10. When the independent study program is impacted, students approved for independent study will be put on a waiting list and accepted on a first come, first serve basis.

  11. The independent study administrator will ensure that each participating student has an executed independent study contract consistent with the district's adopted course of study as prescribed by law.

According to Board Policy 51747 for Short-Term School-Based Independent Study, the following is the maximum length of time by grade level and type of program which may elapse between the time an independent study assignment is made and the date by which the student must complete the assigned work.

  • Four weeks for grades K-3
  • Four weeks for grades 4-6
  • Four weeks for grades 7-8
  • Four weeks for grades 9-12

The number of missed assignments which will be allowed before any evaluation is conducted to determine whether it is in the best interests of the student to remain in independent study, or whether he or she shall return to the regular school program are as follows:

  • Two weeks for grades K-3
  • Two weeks for grades 4-6
  • Two weeks for grades 7-8
  • Two weeks for grades 9-12

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