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Local Control & Accountability Plan

What is the LCAP?

All school districts in California are required to develop a three-year Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) that describes how state funds will be used to improve student academic achievement. The LCAP is focused on 3 groups of students:

  1. English learners
  2. Socio-economically disadvantaged students
  3. Foster/homeless youth

The LCAP must be adopted by the district at a board meeting after consultation with teachers, principals, school personnel, pupils, bargaining units, parents and with the advice of a district-level parent and district advisory committee.

The LCAP must include a description of:

  • The district’s annual goals, for all students and for each subgroup, for each of the state priority areas and any additional local priorities areas; and
  • The specific actions and strategies the district will use to achieve those goals.

Examples of measures that could be included in the LCAP to assess progress in these areas are: graduation rates, drop-out rates, performance on state and local assessments, and English learner reclassification rate.


  1. Increase student achievement for all students including Low Income, English Learner, Homeless and Foster Youth students, and Students with Disabilities.
  2. Improve school climate and culture for all students, famlies, and district staff.
  3. Improve the attendance rate, suspension rate, and academic achievement of students identified as Homeless. 


The theme of the KVUSD 2023-24 LCAP is improving learning for all students.

In order to improve student learning, we plan to focus on three areas:

  1. teacher instructional practices
  2. intervention and enrichment opportunities &
  3. positive school climate and culture
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Photo of Maribel Mosqueda

Maribel Mosqueda

Superintendent's Secretary

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