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Kelseyville Unified SD

Policy 1113: District And School Websites


Original Adopted Date: 01/16/2018 | Last Reviewed Date: 01/16/2018


To enhance communication with students, parents/guardians, staff, and community members, the Board of Trustees encourages the Superintendent or designee to develop and maintain district and school web sites. The use of district and school web sites shall support the district's vision and goals and shall be coordinated with other district communications strategies.

Design Standards

The Superintendent or designee shall establish design standards for district and school web sites in order to maintain a consistent identity, professional appearance, and ease of use.

The district's design standards shall address the accessibility of district and school web sites to individuals with disabilities, including compatibility with commonly used assistive technologies.

Web Site Content

The Superintendent or designee shall develop content guidelines for district and school web sites and assign staff to review and approve content prior to posting.

Board policy pertaining to advertising in district and school publications, as specified in BP 1325 - Advertising and Promotion, shall also apply to advertising on district and school web sites.

Privacy Rights

The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that the privacy rights of students, parents/guardians, staff, Board members, and other individuals are protected on district and school web sites.

Telephone numbers and home and email addresses of students and/or their parents/guardians shall not be published on district or school web sites.

Photographs of individual students shall not be published on district or school web sites accompanied by the student's name or other personally identifiable information without the prior written consent of the student's parent/guardian.

If students' names are not included, photographs of individual students or groups of students, such as at a school event, may be published on school or district web sites.

Employees' home addresses, personal telephone numbers, and personal email addresses shall not be posted on district or school web sites.

The home address or telephone number of any elected or appointed official including, but not limited to, a Board member or public safety official, shall not be posted on district or school web sites without the prior written permission of that individual. (Government Code 3307.5, 6254.21, 6254.24)

No public safety official shall be required to consent to the posting on the Internet of his/her photograph or identity as a public safety officer for any purpose if that officer reasonably believes that the disclosure may result in a threat, harassment, intimidation, or harm to the officer or his/her family. (Government Code 3307.5)

Upcoming Events

March 31

Early Dismissal Day

All Day Event

April 7

Early Dismissal Day

All Day Event

April 14

Early Dismissal Day

All Day Event

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