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The Kelseyville Unified School District Transportation Department is dedicated to passenger safety. We are committed to providing the highest standards in passenger transportation. Our staff is committed to serving our district with a friendly, safe and secure transportation service, meeting the needs of our district. Our school buses provide a safe ride to school for students that live beyond the established walking distances set forth by the school district.

Current walking distances for students are 3/4 miles for students (K-3), 1 mile for students (4-8) and 2 miles for students (9-12). Our Department consists of 15 School Buses, 9 home to school/school to home routes, and a staff of 14 employees. On a normal school day, our school buses transport approximately 950 students (am/pm). Our school buses travel an average of 150,000 home to school/school to home miles per year. In addition, they also travel 44,000 miles per year on school field trips and athletic events.

Our department concentrates on safety as our number one priority.

For any questions please contact the transportation office at (707) 279-1507.

24 - 25 Transportation Update

English | Spanish

Transportation Safety Plan

English | Spanish

Student Bus Conduct & Rules

English | Spanish

24-25 Transportation Services Plan

English | Spanish



Assigned Bus Stop Location Form

Assigned Bus Stop Location Form: Paper version - English | Spanish

Information for Parents

2023-2024 Parent Reminder Letter - English | Spanish

Letter to Parents regarding Zonar - English | Spanish

Letter to Parents Reopening - English | Spanish

Walking Limits - English | Spanish

Glossary of Terms

Lake County School District Boundary Map


Upcoming Events

March 31

Early Dismissal Day

All Day Event

April 7

Early Dismissal Day

All Day Event

April 14

Early Dismissal Day

All Day Event

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