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Get Involved In Local Schools!

Get Involved

At Kelseyville Unified, we are in the business of helping students realize their potential, and we know that working together with parents and others who care about kids means we can do our best work. We all do better when we collaborate in life–when we combine our knowledge, talent, and creativity toward a common goal–whether we are students working on a class project or adults teaming up to solve complex challenges.

Your commitment can be big or small

Volunteering to support kids in school can be a regular activity or a one-and-done experience, depending on how much time and energy you have. You can help out in the classroom weekly, chaperone events periodically, serve as a guest speaker once, or participate in any of a number of school groups and committees with varying time commitments.

Every single bit helps. In the classroom, parents can lighten a teacher’s load and provide students with more individual attention. Parent volunteers can also allow the class to take on projects that would be much harder for a teacher to do alone. On field trips and during other school events, parent volunteers help ensure student safety.

New ideas open new possibilities

In our middle school and high school AVID classrooms, we invite guest speakers from the community to highlight their college and career choices and which classes helped them get to where they are today. Learning about other people’s choices and experiences can give students a new perspective and new hope. It’s so important for students to see new possibilities and to understand that the road to success isn’t always straight or simple or obvious.

My own path took some unexpected turns. I’ve let plenty of kids know that I dropped out of college at one point, but I still ended up earning my doctorate and becoming a superintendent. Truth be told, sometimes setbacks allow you to find a better route or choose a whole different path.

If you want to learn more about being a guest speaker, contact our AVID coordinator, Jen Conrad, at If you are a parent or community member interested in supporting local students in other ways, consider these options.

School Site Council - Every school has a site council and we are currently looking for people who are interested in running for election. Site council members support positive school culture, strong academic performance, and student safety. The council is made up of parents, teachers, and administrators who review and approve the school safety plan, analyze academic and attendance data, and review suspension rates. Then, the council works together to develop an annual plan to improve performance.

It’s amazing what can happen when different perspectives are thrown into the mix. A few years ago, we were having trouble attracting enough AVID tutors when a parent asked whether high school students could help out. Such a brilliant solution–and now that’s how we do it. Parents bring their students’ ideas too, and those help inform our decision-making.

Elementary & Middle School Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) - If you are a parent of a student in transitional kindergarten through eighth grade, we invite you to join your school’s PTO. These parent-driven organizations host events and fundraisers to enrich our students’ learning and development. This is a great way to meet other parents, too.

Kelseyville High School Parent Booster Club - The booster club raises money to support school athletics, from uniforms to equipment and more. Plus, it’s fun!

District Advisory Committee - This committee is open to parents and community members. We ask for a two-year term with quarterly meetings to set districtwide goals.

Join our team permanently

If you’re reading all of this and thinking you might like to do more than volunteer–that you’d like to work in education, please check out our open positions by visiting and clicking on Work With Us. Rewarding careers in education come with competitive salaries, benefits, training, and growth opportunities. Some positions require teaching credentials; others do not. If you are interested in becoming a teacher, you can begin teaching while you get your credential. Visit the Lake County Office of Education for more information.

When parents and community members get involved in our schools, it is great for our students–it is also rewarding and fun for adults. Join us!

Upcoming Events

February 24

Early Dismissal Day

All Day Event

March 3

Early Dismissal Day

All Day Event

March 10

Early Dismissal Day

All Day Event

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