Local Control & Accountability Plan
In June of 2013, a new era of school finance in California was signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown. The new funding model is known as the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). It reshapes school funding, with the promise of additional funding (trying to recapture the level of 2007-08), and squarely aimed to improve achievement for all students.
LCFF, and its local accountability counterpart, the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), are anchored by the notion that California must do better for its underperforming students, who in fact make up a sizable portion of the state’s school-age population. The LCFF significantly changes the funding formula for school districts — more money is attached to meet the needs of school districts' most at-risk students. The LCFF identifies three categories of students requiring greater resources:
- students who qualify for free or reduced priced meals,
- students who are English Learners, and
- foster youth.
School districts must create a Local Control and Accountability Plan to spend the increased money. The first LCAP must be passed by the School Board by the end of June of each school year. According to the projections used by Governor Brown to create the plan, school district funding will rise in increments over the next seven years (2014-2021).
You can send an email to lcff@kvusd.org.
The plan, called the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), must be adopted by each district at a board meeting after consultation with teachers, principals, school personnel, pupils, bargaining units, parents and with the advice of a district-level parent and district advisory committee.
The LCAP must include a description of:
- The district’s annual goals, for all students and for each subgroup, for each of the state priority areas and any additional local priorities areas; and
- The specific actions and strategies the district will use to achieve those goals.
The state has identified the following eight priority areas:
- Student Achievement
- Student Engagement
- Other Student Outcomes
- School Climate
- Parent Involvement
- Implementation of Academic Standards, including a focus on English Learners
- Course Access
- Basic Services, including facilities, qualified teachers, and instructional materials
Examples of measures that could be included in the LCAP to assess progress in these areas are: graduation rates, drop-out rates, performance on state and local assessments, English learner reclassification rate, percentage of students passing AP and IB exams, SAT participation and scores, attendance rates, suspension and expulsion rates, levels of parent participation and satisfaction, reports on facilities and availability of instructional materials, rate of teacher mis-assignment, level of implementation of CCSS, and student access and enrollment in college prep classes.
- 2024-25 CA Dashboard Local Indicators 24-25 Brd Mtg 06-18-24
- 2024-25 LCAP Brd Mtg 06-18-24
- 2023-24 LCAP Brd Mtg 06-20-23
- LCFF CA Dashboard Local Indicators 23-24 Brd Mtg 06-20-23
- IX. A. LCAP 23-24 Presentation.pptx.pdf Brd Mtg 06-13-23
- IX, A. LCAP 23-24_LCAP_Brd Mtg 06-13-23
- KVUSD Mid-Year LCAP Update 2022_23 Presentation Brd Mtg 2-21-23
- LCOE's KVUSD 22-23 Budget & LCAP Approval Ltr. dated 09-15-22 Brd Mtg 09-20-22
- KVUSD 2022-23 LCFF Budget Overview for Parents, 2022-23 LCAP Plan Summary, & Supplement to the Annual Update to the 2021-22 LCAP (Brd. Adopted 06-14-2022)
- KVUSD LCFF Budget Overview & Annual Update to the 2021-2022 LCAP (Brd. Adopted 06-15-2021)
- KVUSD Extended Learning Opportunities (ELO) Plan
- KVUSD LCAP 2020-2021
- Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan 2020-2021 (Brd. Adopted 09-22-2020)
- KVUSD Covid19 Operations Written Report - English | Spanish
- KVUSD LCAP 2019-2020 - English | Spanish
- KVUSD LCAP 2018-2019
- KVUSD LCAP 2017-2018
- KVUSD LCAP 2016-2017
- LCFF Presentation
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