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Mountain Vista Middle

Boys Basketball Tryouts

Boys Basketball Tryouts

If you're planning to try out for Boys Basketball, be sure to get your physical paperwork turned in by 5 PM on Sunday, December 8th. To be cleared for tryouts, you'll need to submit the cover page, health history form, and physical form to the MVMS Athletics Google Classroom.

A quick heads-up: Coaches will be focused on running tryouts and won’t be able to handle physicals. They’ll have a list of cleared players—if your name isn’t on it, that means you won’t be able to participate.

Need a Physical Packet? You can grab one from our office, the Athletics Google Classroom, or print it from the District Website. Google Classroom Code to Join: k42364t

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Ms. Jackson—we’re here to help! Email:

Boys Basketball Tryout Dates and Times:

Monday - December 9th

  • B - 3:30-5:00 @ MVMS Gym
  • A - 5:00-6:30 @ MVMS Gym

Tuesday - December 10

  • B - 3:30-5:00 @ MVMS Gym
  • A - 5:00-6:30 @ MVMS Gym

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