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Academic Programs

Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)

AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination. AVID is an elective class designed to target and enroll students from the academic middle into a school’s most rigorous courses. Students receive support in the AVID elective class to complete a rigorous college preparatory path through tutoring and a proven curriculum based on writing, inquiry, collaboration and reading.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What can I do to support my child in AVID?
    One skill that is important in AVID is organization. This means students are expected to use binders or agendas to keep up with school work. Ask your student to show you their binder and check their agenda planners daily. Their planners will list homework, what they learned, and may include notes from the teacher.
    Contact your child’s school for additional ways you can support AVID and get involved.

  2. How does AVID help students?
    Students in the AVID Elective are held to higher expectations and given the support they need to succeed and prepare for postsecondary opportunities. By encouraging, assisting, and advocating students every day, AVID greatly increases their chances of making it to and through college.

  3. What can I do to prepare my child for college?
    Your child's needs will depend on their current grade level. AVID has resources and tips available to help you when preparing your child for college. Also, be sure to contact your child's school for related deadlines, college visit opportunities and ways that you can help.

  4. How does AVID help students with Standardized Test?
    Standardized tests describe "what" students should know. AVID strategies teach students "how" to learn and master the skills needed to learn what they should know. The expectations of AVID align with state standards in many ways.


Katie DKatie Daitoku, AVID Teacher

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