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Our School

Our School

Regular classroom schooling is the best way for most students to get a great education, but it doesn’t work for everyone. At Kelseyville Unified School District, we offer lots of options so all students have access to the kind of education that will help them be successful.

Sometimes students need an alternative to regular school because their personalities or emotional dispositions work better with smaller class sizes or even one-on-one instruction. Other students who would usually thrive in a classroom setting can’t make it to school often enough because of outside commitments-competitive sports, careers in the arts, and things like that. Finally, some students have family situations that make a regular classroom schedule all but impossible.

When it comes down to it, we just want to make sure every student can succeed according to their own definition of success.

Upcoming Events

February 24

Early Dismissal Day

All Day Event

March 3

Early Dismissal Day

All Day Event

March 10

Early Dismissal Day

All Day Event

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